Gault Field
Baseball is America's favorite past time and lucky for you Canyon Lake has Gault Field, home to four outdoor ball fields that provide endless enjoyment to players of all ages. Located on over 5 acres, Gault Field features adult, little league, and tee-ball fields. The fields and parking lot are lighted, and there is shaded seating, restrooms, and drinking fountains.
Gault Field Hours
All fields are open daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. year-round.
Field Reservations
Reservations are made with the Canyon Lake POA's Activities Department on a first-come, first-serve basis. Canyon Lake POA members may use the Gault Field on a short-term basis if the field is not reserved.
Field Preparation
Preparing the field is the responsibility of the Canyon Lake POA member(s) or group reserving the field. No supplies, equipment, or staff are provided. The field should be left in the same condition it was found for consideration of all users.